Tuesday, April 12, 2005


As you can see, I'm trying to figure out how to post photos on here. I'll get it figured out one day. :-)

For now, here is an upcoming event in New England:

Connecticut Gravestone Network Symposium 2005

Saturday – April 23 - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Middlefield Senior Center
405 Main St.
Middlefield, CT

Hosted by The Middlefield Historical Society

Displays & exhibits from various historic groups,and
with books and cemetery novelties items.

Lecture Topics include:

“Mourning Quilts - Women’s Work: Making Burial,
Coffin, and
Casket Quilts”

“The Portland Quarry in Middletown”

“One of our Colonial Carvers”

“An Introduction to Middlefield History and Their Old
Burying Ground”

Lunch-snacks & beverages will be available
Admission: $10 to public $5 for CGN members
Payable at the door

Directions: Middlefield Senior Center, Middlefield, CT
Located off of Rt. 66 between Middletown and Meriden
at the
junction of Rt. 157 & Jackson Hill Rd. - behind the
Entrance is across from The Congregational Church &

Contact: Ruth Shapleigh-Brown - shapbrown@cox.net
Please address subject line as SYMP INFO

135 Wells St.
Manchester, CT. 06040-6127
ph: 860-643-5652

For more details go to: www.ctgravestones.com

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